On the Blog

Loddon Children's Health & Wellbeing Local


The Loddon Children’s Health and Wellbeing Local provides a range of health and wellbeing services to children up to 11 years of age who may be experiencing some challenges such as developmental, emotional, relational or behavioural concerns. Services are available to families across the Campaspe, Central Goldfields, Loddon, Macedon Ranges, Mt Alexander, and Greater Bendigo region.



The Local offers a range of specialist medical and allied health services such as:

  • Paediatric health
  • Psychology
  • Mental health support
  • Parenting support
  • Specialist assessments
  • Speech pathology
  • Family services support
  • Care coordination
  • The Parent Group Program

The Loddon Children’s Health & Wellbeing Local is a new service led by BCHS, in partnership with Bendigo Health and our regional partners Bendigo and District Aboriginal Cooperative, Njernda Aboriginal Corporation, Echuca Regional Health, Dhelkaya Health, Sunbury Cobaw Community Health, North Central LLEN and Maryborough District Health.



Please note The Local is not yet taking external or self-referrals.

BCHS and partners are currently building the team to provide children aged up to 11 and their families in the Loddon region with free appointments. We will advise when appointment times become available.


(March 2023)

Information Sharing Scheme Requests

The Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme (FVISS) and Child Wellbeing Information Sharing Scheme (CISS) enable the sharing of information between authorised organisations to assess and manage family violence risk.

The purpose of these schemes is to keep victim survivors safe and hold perpetrators to account. The schemes authorise the sharing of information to:

  • assess risk (family violence assessment purpose)
  • manage the risk, including through ongoing risk management (family violence protection purpose)
  • promote the health and safety of a child or group of children.

Information Sharing Entities (ISE) and Risk Assessment Entities (RSE) are encouraged to submit requests for information under the Child Information Sharing Scheme (CISS) and Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme (FVISS) through ‘BCHS Information Sharing Scheme INCOMING REQUEST’.

Click here to lodge a request: BCHS Information Sharing Scheme INCOMING REQUEST

Dari Portal

Corona virus

Corona virus

Alcohol (Sample only, no pages created & not linked)

Alcohol (Sample only, no pages created & not linked)

Gambling (Sample only, no pages created & not linked)

Gambling (Sample only, no pages created & not linked)