If you need help giving up drugs you can be assessed for our residential or home-based withdrawal support programs.

Residential withdrawal support service (Nova House)

Nova House is a five-bed adult residential support facility for people undertaking alcohol and or drug withdrawal. The program is open to individuals 21 years and over who live in Victoria. An assessment process is required to ensure people are suited for Nova House.

Non-residential withdrawal support service

Our non-residential withdrawal program is the most comfortable option.

Our staff must first assess you to see if you are suitable for the non-residential withdrawal program.

This program is provided by an experienced alcohol and drug nurse who works with your own doctor (if you do not have your own doctor, we will arrange a suitable qualified person for you).

The program will help you undertake withdrawal from alcohol and or other drugs within an outreach setting such as your home as long as it’s safe and there is someone to support you, a hospital (by arrangement) or as an outpatient visiting our AOD nurse at our Bendigo, Eaglehawk or Kangaroo Flat sites.

Appointments to see the alcohol and drug nurse can be made for our Central, Eaglehawk and Kangaroo Flat sites.

Book a confidential appointment at the site nearest you listed below:


Address: 171 Hargreaves Street, Bendigo
Phone: 03 5448 1600.
Hours: 9am to 5pm.

If you are facing an emergency, call 000.


Adddress: 3 Seymoure Street, Eaglehawk
Phone: 03 5434 4300
Hours: 9am to 5pm.

If you are facing an emergency, call 000.

Kangaroo Flat

Address: 13 Helm Street, Kangaroo Flat
Phone: 03 5430 0500
Hours: 9am to 5pm.

If you are facing an emergency, call 000. 

Note: Other times may be set up if these don’t work for you.