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smalltalk Supported Playgroups

Do you have a child or children aged under five? You may be eligible to attend a smalltalk supported playgroup.

Smalltalk playgroup

smalltalk is a national program developed by the Parenting Research Centre to promote evidence-based strategies parents can use to enhance learning at home for children from birth to school age.

When you attend a smalltalk playgroup you can:

  • Have fun through engaging activities for you and your child
  • Help your child’s learning and development
  • Connect with other families in your community.

"It’s one of the best things. Tiff is great with my boys and helping me if I have any questions." – Renee

smalltalk supported playgroups include a healthy snack for your child and run during school terms on the following days and locations:

  • Heathcote: Mondays, 10am–12pm
  • Kangaroo Flat: Tuesdays, 9.30–11.30am
  • Eaglehawk North: Wednesdays, 10am-12pm
  • Huntly: Thursdays, 9.30–11.30am
  • California Gully: Fridays, 9.30–11.30am.


smalltalk supported playgroups are for families who have at least one of the following characteristics:

A family member in the household holds one of the following:

  • Commonwealth Health Care Card
  • Commonwealth Pensioner Concession Card
  • Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card or White Card
  • Refugee visa (subclass 200)
  • In-country Special Humanitarian visa (subclass 201)
  • Global Special Humanitarian visa (subclass 202)
  • Temporary Humanitarian Concern visa (subclass 786)
  • Protection visa (subclass 866)
  • Emergency Rescue visa (subclass 203)
  • Woman at risk visa (subclass 204)
  • Bridging visas, A-E.

Eligibility also extends to families:

  • Where a family member identifies as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • Who are looking after children in kinship care arrangements (out-of-home care)
  • Referred from Child FIRST or Child Protection
  • Referred from or receiving Enhanced Maternal and Child Health Services.

For more information, please contact Tiffany Holschier on 0498 642 909 or 

smalltalk in-home support

In-home support involves a qualified facilitator visiting you at your own home. During these sessions, you’ll see practical examples of the smalltalk strategies, and can practise these ideas with guidance from a qualified facilitator.

Note: Parents receiving in-home support may also attend a supported playgroup.

In-home support sessions vary depending on whether you are also attending a supported playgroup.

If you attend a supported playgroup, the facilitator will implement five in-home coaching sessions (one session a fortnight). If you aren’t attending a supported playgroup, 10 in-home coaching sessions (one session weekly) will be implemented. Sessions run for 1-1.5 hours.

The aim of in-home sessions is to support parents to raise happy, healthy children by:

  • Seeking and sharing scientific knowledge of effective parenting techniques
  • Developing research-based practical solutions to contemporary parenting challenges
  • Building the capability of the community to support parents
  • Providing parents with ideas and information to create a positive learning environment to support children’s learning and development
  • Getting more families into a supported playgroup
  • Helping families and children to connect with other support services.

The target group for in-home support is families who are eligible to attend supported playgroups (see above) and have at least one of the following characteristics:

  • A parent aged 25 years or less.
  • A mother that has not completed high school.
  • Single parent families.
  • Have ten or less books in the home.

For more information, please contact Tiffany Holschier on 0498 642 909 or