Living with diabetes

Our Credentialled Diabetes Educators can help you to adapt to a life with diabetes, support you to set goals for self-managing your diabetes, and educate you on the diabetes process.

INFORMATION: Print out a PDF version of our Diabetes Education Service brochure to share

What is a diabetes educator?

Diabetes Educators are health care professionals with training/experience in diabetes education and management.

A Diabetes Educator supports a person with diabetes to develop knowledge and skills to manage their own condition.

MEET OUR EDUCATORS: Educators love 'light bulb' moments for people managing diabetes

When should I see an educator?

Where is your service?

Our Eaglehawk site - 3 Seymoure Street. 

The team provides outreach services to our Central site at 165-171 Hargreaves Street.

Telehealth consultations are available for eligible consumers.

Our contact number is 5406 1200.

Diabetes front web

What does the service cost?

An appointment with a Diabetes Educator costs $15.

Some fees may be waived at the discretion of a Diabetes Educator in cases of financial hardship.

Some services may be bullk-billed through Medicare with the appropriate referral from your GP.

How do I access your service?

A referral from GP or health professional is needed for our diabetes education services.

Self-referral is accepted in some circumstances.

Your referral should include:

How else can you help people with diabetes?

We offer many other services for people with diabetes including:

Diabetes Group Exercise Sessions

Let our exercise physiologist show you how to exercise safely and right to help manage your Type 2 diabetes.

To learn more about our Diabetes Group Exercise Session click here


Diabetes Week: Take a test to see if you are at risk

If you have any concerns please call our Diabetes Educators on 5406 1200.


Last updated: July 28, 2021